Certificates at MIT

Certificate Installation, Renewal, and Removal

At MIT you will need to use a certificate for all MIT secure web applications including Benefits, SAPweb, WebSIS, COEUS Lite, IS&T Software Download and ePaystubs.


If you are using the Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer web browsers, download and use the CertAid app to install or renew your certificate:  http://ist.mit.edu/certaid

If you are using any other browser, you will need to install your certificate manually. After installing your certificates manually, you will need to remove any old/expired certificates manually. Follow the instructions here:   https://ca.mit.edu/


IMPORTANT: You May Be Required to Change Your Password. If you have not changed your password in over a year, you will be prompted to do so when you obtain an MIT personal certificate.  For more information and tips on how to choose a strong password, review the Strong Passwords page in the Knowledge Base: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/3wNt


  • To obtain a new certificate, you will need your Kerberos username, Kerberos password, and MIT ID Number
  • When installing the personal certificate, choose the defaults of High Grade, and 368 days
  • Personal Certificates obtained in the past year are set to expire on July 31st. Renewal of personal web certificates is not automatic.  
  • You can test your certificate here:  web.mit.edu/certificates/test/

For more information on certificates at MIT, see: http://ist.mit.edu/certificates